Imagination Trumps Knowledge! 

Shopex: An E-commerce Application.
ReactJS | Redux-Toolkit | ReactHookForm | axios | RazorPay | ExpressJS | MongoDB | PassportJS | NodeMailer | Tailwind CSS | etc.

Shopex: An E-commerce Application.

Introducing comprehensive e-commerce website! Seamlessly integrate Razorpay for secure online payments. Enjoy user-friendly signup/login with password recovery. Explore extensive search options by category, brand, and price sorting. Easily manage your cart with intuitive features. Plus, access admin panel for streamlined control and management.

VibeZone: A Social Media App
NextJS | TypeScript | Clerk Authentication | Google Auth | FaceBook Auth | ReactJS | ReactHookForm | Cloudinary | MongoDB | WebHook | Tailwind CSS | | etc.

VibeZone: A Social Media App

Explore my vibrant social media app! post, edit, like, and save posts effortlessly. Discover personalized content with advanced search features and a tailored posts feed. Connect with friends and find new ones, following and unfollowing seamlessly. Plus, sign up easily with Google and Facebook for a streamlined experience. Dive into profile views to explore users'posts, followers and following.

meChat: A Chat Application
NextJS | TypeScript | FireBase | ReactJS | FireStore | GoogleAuth | DaisyUI | Tailwind CSS | ReactHookForm | RandomeAvatarGenrator | ReactHotToast | etc.

meChat: A Chat Application

Explore our peer-to-peer chat app! Powered by Firebase and Next.js, easily connect and chat in designated rooms. Share images, emojis, and converse in real-time. Enjoy seamless communication with our user-friendly interface for peer-to-peer interactions. Sign up effortlessly with Google.

mtX: A Movie and TV Show Trailer App
ReactJS | TMDB API | Redux Toolkit | ReactPlayer | axios | ReactInfiniteScroll | SASS | Image Lazy Loading | etc.

mtX: A Movie and TV Show Trailer App

*TMDB API is blocked by JIO telecom, so please use other operator or vpn to access this website.

Developed an intuitive movie and TV show trailer app leveraging TMDB API. Implemented lazy image loading for swift browsing, personalized recommendations, and a vast trailer collection.while implementing features for accessing cast details and additional views. MTx provides robust functionality. Implemented advanced search functionality, enabling users to search by title, cast, or category.

InstaOne: A Social Media App (College Project)
ReactJS | Redux | multer | ExpessJS | Socket.IO | MongoDB | react-file-base64 | react-input-emoji | etc.

InstaOne: A Social Media App (College Project)

Developed InstaOne as a college project, a versatile social media application featuring post creation, liking, following, and unfollowing capabilities. Engineered real-time chat with Socket.IO for seamless communication. Orchestrated personalized feeds for customized content delivery. Emphasized privacy and security. Ensured cross-platform accessibility. Contributed significantly to the creation of an engaging social networking platform

Amazone Clone: A Mobile Application
ReactNative | Expo | RainForest Amazone API | React | Redux ToolKit | react-native-dropdown-picker | gorhom/bottom-sheet | Async-Storage | Yup | Formik | Express | MongoDB | etc.

Amazone Clone: A Mobile Application

Developed a mobile app clone of Amazon using React Native and Rainforest Amazon API. Engineered search, filters, and a cart system.User-defined and default addresses during checkout, ensuring convenience and flexibility. Implemented email verification via link and forgot password with OTP for enhanced security. Ensured a responsive design for optimal mobile usability.

Discover Minor Project Collection! 

Mobile Chat Application
ReactNative | MERN | ReactJS | Expo Image Picker | Emoji Picker | ExpreeJS | MongoDB | etc.

Mobile Chat Application

Discover my learning-focused mobile chat app! Easily send text, emojis, and images. Secure login/signup for personalized access. Enjoy interactive learning without real-time chatting (like WebSocket). Explore, connect, and grow with ease!

Video Calling Application
WebRTC | Socket.IO | ReactJS | ReactPlayer | ExpressJS | NodeJS | etc.

Video Calling Application

Introducing my video calling learning app! Powered by WebRTC for peer-to-peer connection and websockets for seamless connections. Explore peer-to-peer video calls for interactive learning experiences. Connect with ease and enhance educational journey with our innovative technology.

A Simple Blog Application
EJS (for server side rendering) | ExpressJS | Multer | MongoDB | JWT | etc.

A Simple Blog Application

Developed a simple blog app, focusing on learning server-side rendering with EJS. Implemented signup/login functionality and interactive commenting feature. Hands-on experience in full-stack development, showcasing proficiency in server-side rendering and blog app creation.

Explore Mini Projects Gallery! 

Simple ToDo App
Vite | Typescript | VanillaJS | HTML | CSS

Simple ToDo App

Explore a simple TODO app made with Vite, TypeScript, VanillaJS, HTML, and CSS. Manage tasks easily and save them to localStorage. Enjoy smooth functionality and a clean interface for hassle-free task management.

Image Search Application
VanillaJS | HTML | CSS | Unplash Image API

Image Search Application

Explore an image search app crafted with HTML, VanillaJS, CSS/Sass, and the Unsplash API. Browse through a vast collection of images with ease.

10 HTML/CSS/SASS WebSite Project's Portfolio

10 HTML/CSS/SASS WebSite Project's Portfolio

APJ Abdul Kalam Tribute WebPage | Job Application Form WebPage | Parallax Effect WebPage | Developer WebPage | Food Oredring WebPage | Music WebPage | Youtube Home Clone WebPage | Documenation WebPage | Blogging WebPage